What If You Succeed? Flip your imagination from negative to positive.

The power of your imagination.

People with big imaginations, and also anxiety, often vividly imagine a lot of negative what-ifs. What if I fail? What if I can’t sell my inventory? What if nobody at the party talks to me? What if my kid is lonely today?

These are all ways of using your imagination.

But what if this Tuesday, we open to a blank page and write down 5-10 positive what-ifs about the day?

  • What if I make a friend today?
  • What if I start an exciting new pursuit today?
  • What if I’m happy today? 
  • What if I fall in love?
  • What if I succeed at (fill in the blank of something you want to succeed in)?
  • What if my child has a wonderful day at school?
  • What if I find the best book I’ve ever read at the library?

If you think your what-if worries stop you from doing worthwhile things, write that thing at the top of the page, then write 3-5 positive what-ifs underneath that could come of you doing that thing.

For example, let’s say you always dreamed of starting your own planner sticker company

  • What if I pay off my debts with this?
  • What if I find my people?
  • What if this creative outlet is exactly what I need to overcome negative messages about myself?

And if those negative what-ifs are still haunting you, try this. On a new page under the heading, write one negative what-if that’s bothering you, and write a response to it.


Heading: Starting a sticker company.

  • What if I only move some of my inventory?
  • Response: Who cares? I still succeeded.

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