Prioritize: How To Make Decisions While Drowning.


How this simple exercise can help you prioritize and deal with intense overwhelm Have you ever been hit by a wall of paralysis that made you feel like you shouldn’t couldn’t prioritize? Maybe you got big news (good or bad), and emotions you didn’t know how to deal with efficiently overwhelmed you. Or maybe you…

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Is Focusing On Atomic Habits Better Than Focusing On Your Goals?

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Atomic habits build character, grit, tenacity, and the determination to reach your goals. Goals are wonderful, and I have been tracking mine since 2019. However, when I read Atomic Habits by James Clear in 2022, I was intrigued by the concept that life-long gains could come through tiny, incremental changes. After all, I was a…

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How To Use A Bullet Journal Index—However You Want

how to use a bullet journal index tomoe river paper planner journaling

Use Your Bullet Journal Index To Index Your Favorite Recipes, Or Your Least Favorite Neighbors. “Mrs. Betsey Fremantle (née Wynne) kept diaries throughout her life in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, diaries that were later published by her great-granddaughter Anne Fremantle. The index to volume I, prepared by Anne, contains the following entry: dislikes Bombelles…

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